Distance driven
28,493 mi
Total filled up
2,123.95 L

56.30  UK MPG
39.00 L
483 mi
Pretty Cold weather
56.15  UK MPG
25.10 L
310 mi
Maintenance & Care - Tyres
2x Falken FK510 225/45 R17
Maintenance & Care - Oils
Honda green diesel oil + honda oil filter
35.00 L
521 mi
Maintenance & Care - Oils
Honda Green Diesel Oil
Maintenance & Care - Tire change
2x Falken FK510 225/45 R17
Maintenance & Care - Oils
Honda Green Diesel Oil + Oil filter + Air Filter
Maintenance & Care - Filters
Cabin Filter + Air Filter (Driver's and tailgate wipers too)
37.70 L
Insurances, Taxes & Other fees - Vehicle inspection
Halforts - passed with flying colors
Showing 51-61 of 61 items.
Fuel cost per mi
Total cost per mi
Total cost
Category Cost % of total
Fuel £2,727.34 84.61%
Maintenance & Care £466.00 14.46%
Insurances, Taxes & Other fees £30.00 0.93%
Distance driven
28,493 mi
Total filled up
2,123.95 L
Driving Style Consumption Distance Quantity
Economic 64.88 UK MPG 1,233 mi 86.39 L
Normal 62.06 UK MPG 17,872 mi 1,309.16 L
Dynamic 58.39 UK MPG 8,227 mi 640.50 L
Tyres Consumption Distance Quantity
Summer 61.07 UK MPG 25,827 mi 1,922.45 L
Routes Consumption Distance Quantity
Motorway 61.26 UK MPG 23,705 mi 1,759.07 L
Urban 61.26 UK MPG 180 mi 13.39 L
Country roads 61.16 UK MPG 1,519 mi 112.88 L
Extras Consumption Distance Quantity
Air conditioner 63.26 UK MPG 3,344 mi 240.33 L