Distance driven
84,192 km
Total filled up
6,887.37 L

Insurances, Taxes & Other fees - Others
Title: SONAX真皮护理剂汽车内饰座椅清洁皮革保养镀膜剂291141 Original category: 车体养护材料
Insurances, Taxes & Other fees - Others
Title: SONAX电镀件光亮剂/金属抛光剂/去污剂/镀铬件清洁剂308000 Original category: 车体养护材料
Insurances, Taxes & Other fees - Others
Title: SONAX门窗密封件橡胶条清洁上光剂/防老化护理剂340100 Original category: 车体养护材料
Insurances, Taxes & Other fees - Others
Title: SONAX特级纳米汽车轮毂镀膜剂/轮毂镀晶/轮毂喷膜236100 Original category: 车体养护材料
Insurances, Taxes & Other fees - Others
Title: SONAX特级轮毂清洁剂/去铁粉/去氧化层/去铁锈/清洗剂/230200 Original category: 车体养护材料
Insurances, Taxes & Other fees - Others
Title: SONAX特级表板蜡/塑料件/仪表盘/清洁剂/护理剂 283200 Original category: 车体养护材料
Maintenance & Care - Others
Title: 车体打蜡 Original category: 服务 SONAX白金蜡 第一次
Insurances, Taxes & Other fees - Others
Title: 升级地图2015-2 Original category: 装备
Insurances, Taxes & Other fees - Others
Title: 车门密封条 Original category: 装备
Insurances, Taxes & Other fees - Others
Title: 宝马3系专用导航钢化玻璃膜 Original category: 装备
Insurances, Taxes & Other fees - Others
Title: 添加剂-LIQUI MOLY油路清洗剂半瓶210ml Original category: 内部养护材料
Maintenance & Care - Others
Title: 点缤补漆笔套装 Original category: 维护
Insurances, Taxes & Other fees - Others
Title: 机油机滤保养 Original category: 基本保养 "使用中达燕宝维修卡支付余额2005""""""""""
Maintenance & Care - Others
Title: 右前轮被蹭 Original category: 维护
Maintenance & Care - Others
Title: 座椅打蜡 Original category: 服务
Maintenance & Care - Others
Title: 仪表盘打蜡 Original category: 服务
Insurances, Taxes & Other fees - Others
Title: SONAX顶级汽车蜡 Original category: 车体养护材料 产品编号211 200
Maintenance & Care - Others
Title: 车体打蜡 Original category: 服务
Maintenance & Care - Car wash
Title: 海航万邦洗车卡25次 Original category: 洗车 卡号:800157
Maintenance & Care - Others
Title: 车体打蜡 Original category: 服务
Maintenance & Care - Others
Title: 座椅打蜡 Original category: 服务
Insurances, Taxes & Other fees - Others
Title: 轮胎蜡 Original category: 车体养护材料
Maintenance & Care - Others
Title: 右后车门抛光 Original category: 维护
Maintenance & Care - Others
Title: 车体打蜡 Original category: 服务
Maintenance & Care - Car wash
Title: 嘉东丽1年期洗车卡10次 Original category: 洗车
Showing 601-625 of 643 items.
Fuel cost per km
Total cost per km
Total cost
Category Cost % of total
Fuel €6,526.57 21.68%
Maintenance & Care €859.65 2.86%
Insurances, Taxes & Other fees €22,718.72 75.47%
Distance driven
84,192 km
Total filled up
6,887.37 L