Megtett távolság
178 723 km
Tankolt mennyiség
9 280,74 L

4,63  L/100km
50,82 L
1 098 km
16 835 Ft
Rompetrol diesel Varna station + Bardahl BDC add. One person and luggage. 80/20 suburban/urban driving. Avg. to high hypermiling.
5,51  L/100km
40,82 L
741 km
17 037 Ft
Eko diesel + Bardahl BDC add. One two persons and luggae. Little hypermiling. 80/20 suburban/urban driving. Lots of mountine driving.
4,51  L/100km
44,98 L
997 km
17 174 Ft
Rompetrol diesel + Bardahl BDC. One person and luggage. Avg. to high hypermiling. No A/C. 90/10 suburban/urban driving. Tyres at 2.4 bar. Best tank so far!
4,75  L/100km
58,70 L
1 236 km
17 419 Ft
Rompetrol diesel Varna + Eco diesel V.Tarnovo + Bardahl BDC add. Avg. hypermiling. One-persons and luggage. Above avg. temps. Changed oil and filters mid point. 80/20 suburban/urban. Best tank on winter tyres!
5,07  L/100km
48,97 L
965 km
17 505 Ft
Benita diesel no adds. One-two persons and little luggage. A/C half time. Little hypermiling. Above avg.temps. 90/10 suburban/urban driving. First full tank on Ravenol FDS 5W30
5,37  L/100km
35,59 L
663 km
17 520 Ft
Eko diesel Sofia station. Without Bardahl BDC. One to three person little luggage. Fast driving low temps, heavy fog and head winds. Mainly sub urban driving.
4,90  L/100km
50,20 L
1 025 km
17 758 Ft
Benita Varna diesel with Bardahl BDC added by station. No additional adds. One person and a little luggage. 85/15 suburban/urban driving. Average hypermiling. Average head and cross winds.
4,77  L/100km
43,24 L
906 km
17 805 Ft
Eko diesel - Varna station + Bardahl BDC add. One-two persons and luggage. Avg. hypermiling, with avg. speeds. 90/10 suburban/urban driving. Average temps.
4,86  L/100km
49,83 L
1 026 km
17 908 Ft
Benita diesel no adds. One-two persons and little luggage. Average to high hypermiling. 85/15 suburban/urban driving. Avg. temps Tailwind last 400 km.
5,32  L/100km
45,50 L
855 km
17 968 Ft
Rompetrol diesel + Shell add. One-two persons and luggage. Small to no hypermiling. 75/25 suburban/urban driving. Low temps, short drives.
5,83  L/100km
38,76 L
665 km
17 992 Ft
Rompetrol diesel Varna station. One to 4 perons and little luggae. fast driving 450 km. and strong head winds. 90/10 suburban/urban driving.No hypermiling.
5,79  L/100km
52,42 L
905 km
18 020 Ft
Rompetrol Varna + Bardahl BDC add. Two-three persons and luggage. 25/75 urban/suburban driving. Little to now hypermiling. Rain and headwind driving for 400 km. A/C 300 km.
5,97  L/100km
40,79 L
683 km
18 123 Ft
Eko diesel + Bardahl BDC add. One persons little luggage. Little to no hypermiling. Fast sppeds. 78/22 suburban/urban driving. Low temps
5,14  L/100km
42,40 L
825 km
18 252 Ft
Eko diesel no add. One-three persons and luggage.Avg.to little hypermiling. Spirited driving for 50 km. Sub urban/urban 85/15.
5,13  L/100km
43,17 L
841 km
18 260 Ft
Eko diesel, no additive. Little to no hypermiling. One-to three people and luggage. 70/30 sub urban/urban driving. Changed shock absorbers to Bilstein B8. Relatevely low temps.
5,40  L/100km
47,47 L
879 km
18 303 Ft
Saksa diesel (Geo Milev station)+ Bardahl BDC add. One person and luggage. Normal driving. 70/30 suburban/urban driving. Low temps.
5,57  L/100km
47,93 L
861 km
18 389 Ft
Rompetrol diesel Sofia station + Bardahl BDC add. Two person and lugagge. No hypermiling. 85/15 suburban/urban driving. 250 km. rain driving.
5,74  L/100km
43,02 L
750 km
18 439 Ft
Eko diesel Varna station. No adds. One -two person and little luggage. No hypermiling. Urban/suburban driving 20/80.
5,82  L/100km
44,89 L
771 km
18 484 Ft
Eko diesel + Bardahl BDC add. Little hypermiling lots of short trips. Cold weather. 50/50 urban/suburban driving. One to three people and luggage.
4,60  L/100km
42,59 L
926 km
18 572 Ft
Eko diesel Bardahl BDC add. one person and luggage. Avg. hypermiling. 90/10 suburban/urban driving. High temps
5,55  L/100km
44,24 L
797 km
18 630 Ft
Kruise diesele + Bardahl BDC add. One-two persons and luggage. Lots of highway driving. Above normal speeds. Urban/Suburban 10/90.Little to no hypermiling.
5,01  L/100km
56,00 L
1 118 km
18 641 Ft
Rompetrol diesel + Bardahl BDC add. One-two persons and little lugagge. 80/20 suburban/urban driving. Little to avg. hypermiling. Normal temps.
5,68  L/100km
49,39 L
870 km
18 866 Ft
Eko diesel Varna station + Bardahl BDC add. Low temps, one to three persons and luggage. 60/40 suburban/urban driving.
5,86  L/100km
44,69 L
763 km
18 988 Ft
Eko Avio Premium Diesel. No adds. 400 km. highway driving with A/C. 300 km urban driving. One-two persons and luggage. High temps. Little to no hypermiling.
5,36  L/100km
44,12 L
823 km
18 991 Ft
Eko diesel + Bardahl BDC add. Little to no hypermiling. One-two persons and luggage. 85/15 sub urban/urban driving. Changed to summer tyres at half stint. New shocks installed.
26-50 megjelenítése a(z) 154 elemből.
Fuel cost per km
21 Ft
Total cost per km
21 Ft
Teljes költség
3 821 654 Ft
Kategória Költség %-a az összesnek
Üzemanyag 3 821 654 Ft 100,00%
Megtett távolság
178 723 km
Tankolt mennyiség
9 280,74 L
Vezetési stílus Fogyasztás Megtett távolság Mennyiség
Gazdaságos 4,78 L/100km 17 076 km 816,92 L
Normál 5,21 L/100km 147 374 km 7 671,59 L
Dinamikus 5,55 L/100km 14 273 km 792,23 L
Gumiabroncsok Fogyasztás Megtett távolság Mennyiség
Nyári 5,11 L/100km 116 177 km 5 932,18 L
Téli 5,35 L/100km 61 723 km 3 304,44 L
Négyévszakos 5,36 L/100km 823 km 44,12 L
Úttípusok Fogyasztás Megtett távolság Mennyiség
Autópálya 5,19 L/100km 59 566 km 3 092,70 L
Lakott terület 5,19 L/100km 58 752 km 3 050,85 L
Országút 5,19 L/100km 59 566 km 3 092,70 L