Megtett távolság
178 723 km
Tankolt mennyiség
9 280,74 L

5,17  L/100km
53,59 L
1 037 km
18 993 Ft
Benita diesel no adds. One -two persons and lugagge. 85/15 suburban/urban driving. Little to no hypermiling. Strong headwinds for 400 km.
5,89  L/100km
51,83 L
880 km
19 259 Ft
Ecto Diesel + OMV Maxx motion no BDC add. One person and little luggage. Low temps, 90/10 suburban/urban driving. Mainly highway. Little to no hypermiling.
5,33  L/100km
40,54 L
761 km
19 349 Ft
Eko diesel Trakia Highway no adds. Two persons and luggage. A/C half time. Lots of mountine driving. 90/10 suburban/urban driving. Little to no hypermiling.
5,06  L/100km
56,24 L
1 111 km
19 455 Ft
Rompetrol Diesel Sofia, Varna stations no adds. One-two persons and luggage. Little to no hypermiling. 90/10 suburban/urban driving. Cooler temps.
4,92  L/100km
53,82 L
1 095 km
19 484 Ft
Saksa Sofia diesel + 5l Lukoil Ahtopol no adds. One-two persons and little luggage mainly. 85/15 suburban/urban driving. Avg. temps. little to avg. hypermiling. Second tank on Ravenol FDS
5,11  L/100km
55,79 L
1 092 km
19 527 Ft
Benita Varna diesel (Bardahl BDC added by petrol station) no additional adds. Two persons and luggage. 85/15 suburban/urban driving. Low hypermiling.
5,10  L/100km
42,26 L
829 km
19 536 Ft
Rompetrol diesel + BDC Bardahl add. One-two persons and little luggage. Little hypermiling, avg. temps. Rain driving. 90/10 suburban/urban.
5,03  L/100km
48,66 L
968 km
20 038 Ft
Cruise diesel no adds. One-two persons and little luggage. Change oil at 265 400 km. 85/15 suburban/urban driving. Little hypermiling. 20 km. with 150-160 km/h
4,95  L/100km
43,00 L
869 km
20 039 Ft
Eko diesel + Bardahl BDC. Low hypermiling, one-two persons and little luggage. Fast driving periods. Mainly sub urban driving. Avg. temps.
4,73  L/100km
47,84 L
1 011 km
20 234 Ft
Eko diesel + Bardahl BDC add. One-two people and little luggage. AC half time. Average hypermiling. 80/20 suburban/urban driving. High temps.
5,10  L/100km
47,04 L
923 km
20 425 Ft
Eko disesel no adds. Two-three people and luggage. Urban/suburban 20/80. Fast driving, no hypermiling. Above avg. temps.
5,09  L/100km
47,32 L
929 km
20 547 Ft
Eko diesel no adds. One- two people and little luggage.90/10 subutban/urban dtibing. 400 km.fast driving, 400 avh.to high hypermiling. A/C half time
5,28  L/100km
47,86 L
907 km
20 601 Ft
Eko diesel V.Tarnovo station + little Bardahl BDC add. One to three people and luggage. 90/10 sub urban/urban driving. Little to avg. hypermiling first half of the tank. No hypermiling second half.
4,83  L/100km
42,76 L
886 km
20 807 Ft
Rompetrol diesel (Varna Slivnitsa 181B)+ Bardahl BDC. New K&N filter installed and car lowered 30 mm (Eibach pro kit springs). Little to avg. hypermiling. 70/30 suburban/urban driving. One person and little luggage.
6,04  L/100km
42,46 L
703 km
20 820 Ft
Eko diesel + Bardahl BDC add. Three-four people and luggage. High speeds, low temps. 80/20 suburban/urban. Short trips.
4,94  L/100km
69,49 L
1 408 km
20 865 Ft
Eco diesel Varna + Rompetrol diesel Sofia + Bardahl BDC add + Bardahl 6in1 diesel add. Avg. hypermiling plus lots of highway driving up to 150 km/h. 90/10 suburban/urban. One-two people and luggage. Avg. temps
4,53  L/100km
48,56 L
1 071 km
20 904 Ft
Eko diesel no additive. Average to high hypermiling. Low speeds. 90/10 sub urban/urban driving. One person and little luggage. Above avg. temps.
5,19  L/100km
48,02 L
926 km
20 940 Ft
Eko diesel no adds. One-two persons and luggage. A/C on half time. Lots of highway driving. Little to no hypermiling. 90/10 suburban/urban driving.
5,57  L/100km
59,74 L
1 073 km
21 039 Ft
Rompetrol diesel + BDC add. One two persons and luggage. Little to no hypermiling. 80/20 suburban/urban driving. Low temps, shorter trips.
4,75  L/100km
50,82 L
1 071 km
21 116 Ft
Eko diesel + Bardahl BDC. Mapped on 14/08/2015 at OEM Motorsport. Half tank since then. Avg. hypermiling. One person and a lugagge. High temps for 500 km. and rain driving for 300 km. Urban/suburban 15/85.
5,32  L/100km
47,69 L
897 km
21 153 Ft
Eko diesel + Bardahl BDC add. Average speeds, little hypermiling. One-two people little luggage. 80/20 suburban/urban driving.
4,89  L/100km
58,06 L
1 188 km
21 194 Ft
Benita + Eko diesel no adds. One-two persons little luggage. Avg. hypermiling. 90/10 suburban/urban driving. Avg. temps.
5,66  L/100km
56,20 L
993 km
21 320 Ft
Rompetrol + Eko diesel + Bardahl BDC add. Lot of highway, two people and a baggage. Little hypermiling. High temps. 80/20 suburban/urban driving. Changed belts, water pump and other things.
4,81  L/100km
52,60 L
1 094 km
21 469 Ft
Benita diesel no adds. One-two persons and luggage. High temps. 90/10 suburban/urban driving. Lot of highways. Little hypermiling.
5,20  L/100km
44,72 L
860 km
21 595 Ft
Eko diesel + Bardahl BDC add. One-two persons and little luggage. Urban/Suburban 20/80. Low temps. Changed winter tyres.
51-75 megjelenítése a(z) 154 elemből.
Fuel cost per km
21 Ft
Total cost per km
21 Ft
Teljes költség
3 821 654 Ft
Kategória Költség %-a az összesnek
Üzemanyag 3 821 654 Ft 100,00%
Megtett távolság
178 723 km
Tankolt mennyiség
9 280,74 L
Vezetési stílus Fogyasztás Megtett távolság Mennyiség
Gazdaságos 4,78 L/100km 17 076 km 816,92 L
Normál 5,21 L/100km 147 374 km 7 671,59 L
Dinamikus 5,55 L/100km 14 273 km 792,23 L
Gumiabroncsok Fogyasztás Megtett távolság Mennyiség
Nyári 5,11 L/100km 116 177 km 5 932,18 L
Téli 5,35 L/100km 61 723 km 3 304,44 L
Négyévszakos 5,36 L/100km 823 km 44,12 L
Úttípusok Fogyasztás Megtett távolság Mennyiség
Autópálya 5,19 L/100km 59 566 km 3 092,70 L
Lakott terület 5,19 L/100km 58 752 km 3 050,85 L
Országút 5,19 L/100km 59 566 km 3 092,70 L