Megtett távolság
178 723 km
Tankolt mennyiség
9 280,74 L

5,26  L/100km
64,02 L
1 216 km
21 913 Ft
Rompetrol diesel + Bardahl BDC add. One two persons and lugagge. A/C on most of the time. 80/20 suburban/urban driving. Little to no hypermiling.
4,78  L/100km
62,63 L
1 310 km
21 937 Ft
Benita diesel + Rompetrol Veliko Tarnovo no adds. One-two persons and little luggage. Average to high hypermiling. 90/10 suburban/urban driving. 40 min. stuck in a jam.
5,48  L/100km
47,19 L
861 km
22 081 Ft
Saksa diesel + Bardahl BDC add. Little to hypermiling. 65/35 sub urban/urban driving. One person and little luggage. A/C on most of the time.
5,17  L/100km
59,78 L
1 157 km
22 083 Ft
Benita + Eko diesel no adds. One-two persons and little hypermiling.
5,39  L/100km
45,92 L
852 km
22 087 Ft
Cruise diesel + Bardahl BDC add. One person and luggage. 70/30 suburban/urban driving. Rainy conditions. Low hypermiling.
5,51  L/100km
46,45 L
843 km
22 169 Ft
Cruise diesel (http://www.saksa-bg.com/bg/cruise), no adds. Avg. hypermiling, one-two persons and luggage. 50/50 urban/suburban driving.
5,32  L/100km
46,63 L
876 km
22 254 Ft
Eko diesel Varna Slivnitsa station. Bardahl EDC add. 50/50 urban/suburban. 4 people and luggage.
5,32  L/100km
47,04 L
884 km
22 274 Ft
Eko diesel + Bardahl BDC add. Little hypermiling. One to two people and little luggage. 50/50 urban/suburban driving.
5,32  L/100km
56,90 L
1 069 km
22 327 Ft
5,48  L/100km
47,59 L
869 km
22 536 Ft
Eko winter diesel + Bardahl BDC add. 2 persons and little luggage. Fast highway driving. No hypermiling. 90/10 suburban/urban.
4,98  L/100km
47,68 L
957 km
22 755 Ft
Rompetrol diesel Varna station, no adds. Avg. to little hypermiling. One person and luggage. 90/10 suburban/urban driving. 250 km heavy rain driving.
5,61  L/100km
48,45 L
863 km
22 761 Ft
Eko diesel (Rousse station). No hypermiling, fast driving. A/C half time. One-two persons and luggage. 80/20 sub urban/urban driving.
5,70  L/100km
46,84 L
822 km
22 970 Ft
Eko diesel + Bardahl BDC add. Two to three persons and luggage. 50/50 urban/suburban. Avg. speeds little hypermiling. Above avg. power consumption.
5,40  L/100km
55,20 L
1 023 km
23 010 Ft
Benita + Eko diesel no adds. one to three people and lugage. 50% highway driving. 90/10 suburban/urban. Average to low hypermiling.
4,75  L/100km
49,75 L
1 047 km
23 277 Ft
Eko diesel (Varna station)+ Bardahl BDC add. One person little luggage. Avg. to high hypermiling. 300 km. rain driving. 90/10 suburban/urban driving. Tyres at 2 bar!
5,50  L/100km
50,08 L
911 km
23 412 Ft
Eko diesel + Bardahl BDC add. Lots of winter driving on snow (400 km.) Avg. hypermiling last 300 km. One person and luggage. 80/20 Suburban/urban driving.
4,98  L/100km
48,20 L
967 km
23 455 Ft
Eko diesel Sofia station + Bardahl BDC add. One person and little luggage. Little to avg. hypermiling. Mainly sub urban driving. Above avg. temps.
4,91  L/100km
56,20 L
1 145 km
23 500 Ft
Benita diesel no adds. One person and luggage. 90/10 suburban/urban driving. Avg. to low hypermiling.
4,57  L/100km
47,30 L
1 034 km
23 549 Ft
Eko diesel and Bardahl BDC add. Avg. to high hypermiling. One or two people with little luggage. 90/10 suburban/urban driving. AC ON half time. Sofia-Plovdiv-Sofia-Varna-Rusalka-Varna (one tank of fuel)
4,64  L/100km
59,98 L
1 293 km
23 887 Ft
Benita Diesel with shell diesel add. Average hypermiling. One-two person and little luggage. 85/15 suburban/urban driving. Higher temps.
4,95  L/100km
48,58 L
982 km
24 185 Ft
Rompetrol Diesel - Varna Benita station + Bardahl BDC add. Two people avg. hypermiling, some luggage. Mostly sub urban. No A/C. Air box snorkel delete at 128 850 km. estimating performance.
5,26  L/100km
66,26 L
1 260 km
24 436 Ft
Benita + Eco diesel no adds. One-two persons and luggage. Low temps, little hypermiling. 80/20 suburban/urban driving. Last tank on winter tires.
5,01  L/100km
67,33 L
1 344 km
24 617 Ft
5,42  L/100km
71,97 L
1 328 km
24 644 Ft
Rompetrol diesel Strumyani, Sofia + Bardahl BDC add. One-two persons and luggage. A/C on most of time. 85/15 suburban/urban driving. High speed driving for 450 km. Above avg. temps.
4,84  L/100km
52,62 L
1 088 km
25 151 Ft
Diesel from EKO station. Average to high hypermiling. Two people and little luggage. BDC additive from Bardahl.
76-100 megjelenítése a(z) 154 elemből.
Fuel cost per km
21 Ft
Total cost per km
21 Ft
Teljes költség
3 821 654 Ft
Kategória Költség %-a az összesnek
Üzemanyag 3 821 654 Ft 100,00%
Megtett távolság
178 723 km
Tankolt mennyiség
9 280,74 L
Vezetési stílus Fogyasztás Megtett távolság Mennyiség
Gazdaságos 4,78 L/100km 17 076 km 816,92 L
Normál 5,21 L/100km 147 374 km 7 671,59 L
Dinamikus 5,55 L/100km 14 273 km 792,23 L
Gumiabroncsok Fogyasztás Megtett távolság Mennyiség
Nyári 5,11 L/100km 116 177 km 5 932,18 L
Téli 5,35 L/100km 61 723 km 3 304,44 L
Négyévszakos 5,36 L/100km 823 km 44,12 L
Úttípusok Fogyasztás Megtett távolság Mennyiség
Autópálya 5,19 L/100km 59 566 km 3 092,70 L
Lakott terület 5,19 L/100km 58 752 km 3 050,85 L
Országút 5,19 L/100km 59 566 km 3 092,70 L