Distance driven
19,259 mi
Total filled up
2,857.12 L

30.31  UK MPG
30.29 L
202 mi
EcoPetrol A95
Insurances, Taxes & Other fees - Insurances
30.51  UK MPG
32.50 L
218 mi
EcoPetrol A95
46.25  UK MPG
35.00 L
356 mi
Круиз А95H
39.05  UK MPG
33.20 L
285 mi
EcoPetrol A95
29.77  UK MPG
26.00 L
170 mi
Insaoil A95
29.28  UK MPG
31.45 L
203 mi
EcoPetrol #6
Maintenance & Care - Tire change
26.77  UK MPG
34.61 L
204 mi
Gazprom OPTI-95
29.84  UK MPG
32.00 L
210 mi
Rompetrol EFIX A95
30.51  UK MPG
20.00 L
134 mi
Shell V-Power 95
30.92  UK MPG
18.00 L
122 mi
Shell V-Power 95
29.56  UK MPG
28.00 L
182 mi
Shell V-Power 95
28.62  UK MPG
30.00 L
189 mi
Shell V-Power 95
30.79  UK MPG
30.00 L
203 mi
Shell V-Power 95
28.34  UK MPG
31.50 L
196 mi
Gazprom OPTI-95
26.18  UK MPG
31.40 L
181 mi
Gazorom OPTI-95
27.89  UK MPG
31.20 L
191 mi
Shell V-Power 95
Maintenance & Care - Full maintenance service
33.27  UK MPG
27.00 L
198 mi
Shell V-Power 95
Maintenance & Care - Tire change
Maintenance & Care - Service parts
Maintenance & Care - Tire change
26.52  UK MPG
34.40 L
201 mi
Gazprom OPTI-95
Showing 51-75 of 157 items.
Fuel cost per mi
Total cost per mi
Total cost
Category Cost % of total
Fuel £3,045.44 29.79%
Initial purchase £3,479.63 34.04%
Maintenance & Care £1,998.43 19.55%
Insurances, Taxes & Other fees £1,699.70 16.63%
Distance driven
19,259 mi
Total filled up
2,857.12 L
Driving Style Consumption Distance Quantity
Normal 30.64 UK MPG 19,259 mi 2,857.12 L
Tyres Consumption Distance Quantity
Summer 31.89 UK MPG 11,381 mi 1,622.43 L
Winter 29.01 UK MPG 7,878 mi 1,234.69 L
Routes Consumption Distance Quantity
Motorway 42.56 UK MPG 727 mi 77.65 L
Urban 29.45 UK MPG 15,251 mi 2,354.60 L
Country roads 40.63 UK MPG 2,175 mi 243.41 L
Extras Consumption Distance Quantity
Air conditioner 34.44 UK MPG 3,007 mi 396.99 L