Distance driven
52,314 mi
Total filled up
6,887.37 L

Maintenance & Care - Others
Title: 轮毂镀膜 Original category: 服务
Maintenance & Care - Others
Title: 右前轮被蹭 Original category: 维护
Maintenance & Care - Others
Title: 座椅打蜡 Original category: 服务
Maintenance & Care - Others
Title: 仪表盘打蜡 Original category: 服务
Maintenance & Care - Others
Title: 车体打蜡 Original category: 服务
Maintenance & Care - Others
Title: 座椅打蜡 Original category: 服务
Maintenance & Care - Others
Title: 车体打蜡 Original category: 服务
Maintenance & Care - Others
Title: 仪表盘打蜡 Original category: 服务 3M仪表盘蜡
Maintenance & Care - Others
Title: 座椅打蜡 Original category: 服务
Maintenance & Care - Others
Title: 车体打蜡 Original category: 服务
Insurances, Taxes & Other fees - Others
Title: 汉高底盘装甲、内腔注蜡及铝喷剂 Original category: 装备 总价856,没用上送高玉强了
Maintenance & Care - Others
Title: 轮毂镀膜 Original category: 服务
Maintenance & Care - Others
Title: 座椅打蜡 Original category: 服务
Maintenance & Care - Others
Title: 车体打蜡 Original category: 服务
Maintenance & Care - Others
Title: 右后轮轮毂受伤 Original category: 维护
Maintenance & Care - Others
Title: 仪表盘打蜡 Original category: 服务
Maintenance & Care - Others
Title: 轮毂镀膜 Original category: 服务
Maintenance & Care - Others
Title: 轮毂镀膜 Original category: 服务
Maintenance & Care - Others
Title: 刷车8 Original category: 服务
Maintenance & Care - Others
Title: 车体打蜡 Original category: 服务
Maintenance & Care - Others
Title: 刷车6 Original category: 服务
Maintenance & Care - Others
Title: 座椅打蜡 Original category: 服务
Maintenance & Care - Others
Title: 仪表盘打蜡 Original category: 服务
Maintenance & Care - Others
Title: 刷车5 Original category: 服务
Maintenance & Care - Others
Title: 座椅打蜡 Original category: 服务
Showing 1-25 of 643 items.
Fuel cost per mi
Total cost per mi
Total cost
Category Cost % of total
Fuel £5,553.45 21.68%
Maintenance & Care £731.48 2.86%
Insurances, Taxes & Other fees £19,331.36 75.47%
Distance driven
52,314 mi
Total filled up
6,887.37 L