Distance driven
13,511 mi
Total filled up
1,540.29 L

Maintenance & Care - Car wash
32.07  UK MPG
7.84 L
55 mi
23.92  UK MPG
7.44 L
39 mi
204.01  UK MPG
7.12 L
319 mi
26.62  UK MPG
8.07 L
47 mi
197.74  UK MPG
8.10 L
352 mi
113.36  UK MPG
7.60 L
190 mi
Maintenance & Care - Car wash
35.51  UK MPG
12.09 L
94 mi
17.10  UK MPG
11.07 L
42 mi
61.53  UK MPG
11.11 L
150 mi
139.31  UK MPG
11.72 L
359 mi
20.12  UK MPG
10.95 L
48 mi
82.38  UK MPG
10.87 L
197 mi
13.98  UK MPG
10.71 L
33 mi
41.24  UK MPG
10.07 L
91 mi
76.12  UK MPG
10.28 L
172 mi
81.58  UK MPG
11.15 L
200 mi
110.92  UK MPG
10.11 L
247 mi
66.67  UK MPG
10.00 L
147 mi
Maintenance & Care - Service parts
Гумички педали и боя пластмаси.
Insurances, Taxes & Other fees - Vehicle inspection
Insurances, Taxes & Other fees - Vehicle inspection
36.73  UK MPG
18.92 L
153 mi
39.56  UK MPG
19.42 L
169 mi
Showing 1-25 of 88 items.
Fuel cost per mi
Total cost per mi
Total cost
Category Cost % of total
Fuel £1,756.35 36.51%
Initial purchase £2,344.40 48.73%
Maintenance & Care £506.72 10.53%
Insurances, Taxes & Other fees £203.18 4.22%
Distance driven
13,511 mi
Total filled up
1,540.29 L