Distance driven
120,416 mi
Total filled up
11,911.60 L

48.31  UK MPG
10.70 L
114 mi
50.89  UK MPG
23.37 L
262 mi
44.07  UK MPG
24.42 L
237 mi
49.77  UK MPG
21.00 L
230 mi
30.30  UK MPG
11.00 L
73 mi
43.05  UK MPG
24.28 L
230 mi
40.96  UK MPG
10.00 L
90 mi
39.61  UK MPG
11.41 L
99 mi
178.25  UK MPG
11.41 L
447 mi
51.14  UK MPG
29.00 L
326 mi
54.42  UK MPG
1.09 L
13 mi
29.64  UK MPG
45.27 L
295 mi
52.00 L
Insurances, Taxes & Other fees - Road taxes
Maintenance & Care - Engine
Maintenance & Care - Engine
Maintenance & Care - Steering
Maintenance & Care - Fuel additives
Maintenance & Care - Others
Maintenance & Care - Engine
Maintenance & Care - Brakes
Maintenance & Care - Steering
Maintenance & Care - Accessories
Maintenance & Care - Tyres
Maintenance & Care - Tyres
Showing 651-675 of 704 items.
Fuel cost per mi
Total cost per mi
Total cost
Category Cost % of total
Fuel £12,167.17 39.51%
Initial purchase £3,914.58 12.71%
Maintenance & Care £10,847.74 35.23%
Insurances, Taxes & Other fees £3,863.36 12.55%
Distance driven
120,416 mi
Total filled up
11,911.60 L
Driving Style Consumption Distance Quantity
Economic 46.77 UK MPG 64,790 mi 6,297.29 L
Normal 45.34 UK MPG 46,865 mi 4,698.97 L
Dynamic 43.51 UK MPG 8,761 mi 915.33 L
Tyres Consumption Distance Quantity
Summer 46.04 UK MPG 87,072 mi 8,598.18 L
Winter 45.75 UK MPG 33,344 mi 3,313.42 L
Routes Consumption Distance Quantity
Motorway 49.11 UK MPG 48,178 mi 4,459.43 L
Urban 41.81 UK MPG 45,041 mi 4,897.28 L
Country roads 48.21 UK MPG 26,546 mi 2,503.46 L
Extras Consumption Distance Quantity
Air conditioner 46.50 UK MPG 22,868 mi 2,235.75 L