Distance driven
70,141 km
Total filled up
5,082.90 L

Maintenance & Care - Tyres
Kérek csere és csentirozas
8.45  L/100km
32.20 L
381 km
7.24  L/100km
30.40 L
420 km
6.85  L/100km
34.00 L
496 km
7.25  L/100km
37.00 L
510 km
7.01  L/100km
38.00 L
542 km
6.96  L/100km
35.50 L
510 km
7.52  L/100km
27.00 L
359 km
Maintenance & Care - Service parts
Olaj csere és szűrők csere
7.54  L/100km
41.00 L
544 km
Insurances, Taxes & Other fees - Vehicle inspection
Műszaki vizsga
6.72  L/100km
31.00 L
461 km
8.51  L/100km
36.50 L
429 km
6.03  L/100km
21.89 L
363 km
8.05  L/100km
23.60 L
293 km
Maintenance & Care - Body
Sarvedott kettő és kisebb hibák
7.61  L/100km
38.50 L
506 km
Insurances, Taxes & Other fees - Insurances
7.46  L/100km
32.00 L
429 km
7.62  L/100km
35.11 L
461 km
7.70  L/100km
30.20 L
392 km
6.65  L/100km
39.11 L
588 km
7.09  L/100km
36.00 L
508 km
Maintenance & Care - Service parts
Kuplung tárcsa, és részei, fél tengely szimering s fő tengely szimering, váltó olaj csere
6.59  L/100km
34.60 L
525 km
Showing 151-175 of 194 items.
Fuel cost per km
Total cost per km
Total cost
Category Cost % of total
Fuel €7,617.50 50.72%
Initial purchase €1,785.63 11.89%
Maintenance & Care €4,944.00 32.92%
Insurances, Taxes & Other fees €671.91 4.47%
Distance driven
70,141 km
Total filled up
5,082.90 L
Driving Style Consumption Distance Quantity
Normal 7.25 L/100km 70,141 km 5,082.90 L
Tyres Consumption Distance Quantity
Summer 7.36 L/100km 36,085 km 2,657.48 L
Winter 7.12 L/100km 34,056 km 2,425.42 L
Routes Consumption Distance Quantity
Motorway 7.27 L/100km 22,156 km 1,611.15 L
Urban 7.28 L/100km 21,884 km 1,592.65 L
Country roads 7.27 L/100km 22,156 km 1,611.15 L
Extras Consumption Distance Quantity
Air conditioner 7.45 L/100km 34,988 km 2,607.58 L