Distance driven
13,095 km
Total filled up
941.56 L

Insurances, Taxes & Other fees - Vehicle inspection
Initial purchase - Others
Dekra - Vehicle inspection
Initial purchase - Vehicle purchase
43.13 L
Insurances, Taxes & Other fees - Insurances
Alianz Direct Voll Kasko Versicherung 1/2 year
7.98  L/100km
35.73 L
448 km
9.22  L/100km
50.08 L
543 km
6.53  L/100km
41.23 L
631 km
8.31  L/100km
25.17 L
303 km
5.83  L/100km
46.45 L
797 km
5.33  L/100km
45.43 L
853 km
33.59 L
663 km
6.43  L/100km
46.77 L
587 km
58.14 L
363 km
28.90 L
300 km
7.07  L/100km
46.21 L
1,223 km
6.63  L/100km
47.58 L
718 km
Maintenance & Care - Full maintenance service
Engine oil Oil filter Cabin filter Diesel filter Automatic gearbox oil Gearbox filter General inspection
9.50  L/100km
38.40 L
404 km
Insurances, Taxes & Other fees - Taxes
8.12  L/100km
51.98 L
640 km
11.76 L
715 km
Insurances, Taxes & Other fees - Insurances
Insurance Teil Kasko
8.29  L/100km
52.64 L
62 km
9.96  L/100km
52.19 L
524 km
Showing 1-25 of 31 items.
Fuel cost per km
Total cost per km
Total cost
Category Cost % of total
Fuel €1,617.75 9.61%
Initial purchase €13,492.00 80.18%
Maintenance & Care €450.00 2.67%
Insurances, Taxes & Other fees €1,268.00 7.54%
Distance driven
13,095 km
Total filled up
941.56 L
Driving Style Consumption Distance Quantity
Normal 7.19 L/100km 13,095 km 941.56 L
Tyres Consumption Distance Quantity
All-season 7.19 L/100km 13,095 km 941.56 L
Routes Consumption Distance Quantity
Motorway 5.98 L/100km 1,680 km 100.41 L
Urban 8.66 L/100km 637 km 55.15 L
Country roads 5.54 L/100km 177 km 9.81 L
Extras Consumption Distance Quantity
Air conditioner 5.33 L/100km 853 km 45.43 L