Distance driven
9,491 km
Total filled up
588.70 L

5.92  L/100km
11.61 L
196 km
7.39  L/100km
11.31 L
153 km
Maintenance & Care - Service parts
задни накладки
7.84 L
30 km
Insurances, Taxes & Other fees - Vehicle inspection
Maintenance & Care - Car wash
9.09 L
22 km
Insurances, Taxes & Other fees - Taxes
Insurances, Taxes & Other fees - Insurances
гражданска - първа вноска
Insurances, Taxes & Other fees - Taxes
годишен данък
Maintenance & Care - Oils
масло един литър за доливане YACCO 15W50 минерално
Maintenance & Care - Oils
1 л масло 15W50 YACCO минерално
Maintenance & Care - Fuel additives
Maintenance & Care - Oils
масло YACCO 15W50 минерално
Maintenance & Care - Service parts
свещи 4 бр
Maintenance & Care - Filters
маслен филтър
Maintenance & Care - Filters
въздушен филтър
Maintenance & Care - Parts
игли за карбураторите
Insurances, Taxes & Other fees - Taxes
Годишен данък
Maintenance & Care - Service parts
Нов акумулатор UNIBAT - гелов
Maintenance & Care - Body
Основно почистване и третиране срещу ръжда на резервоара
Maintenance & Care - Fuel additives
Спрейове за почистване карбуратор и резервоар
Maintenance & Care - Filters
Горивен филтър
3.89 L
Maintenance & Care - Car wash
Showing 101-125 of 135 items.
Fuel cost per km
Total cost per km
Total cost
Category Cost % of total
Fuel €687.70 10.69%
Initial purchase €1,533.51 23.84%
Maintenance & Care €3,378.08 52.52%
Insurances, Taxes & Other fees €832.26 12.94%
Distance driven
9,491 km
Total filled up
588.70 L
Driving Style Consumption Distance Quantity
Normal 6.61 L/100km 760 km 50.26 L
Dynamic 6.17 L/100km 8,731 km 538.44 L
Routes Consumption Distance Quantity
Motorway 6.13 L/100km 95 km 5.83 L
Urban 6.84 L/100km 114 km 7.80 L
Country roads 6.08 L/100km 1,314 km 79.91 L